Dicover France !
The capital city
29/06/2012 09:59Paris is of course the most famous city in France, that's why I decided to begin with it. The city is located in the region Ile-de-France. Paris is divided into 20 neighbourhoods, called "arrondissements". More than 2 300 000 inhabitants live there and they're called "Parisians", that is to say "Parisiens" in French. The superficy of the city is 105 km².
You can visit the official website of the city : https://www.paris.fr/english
Or this helpful site : https://en.parisinfo.com/
Here is a complete & well-made video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPjkqISJXXg
Let's see the main Parisian monuments ...
1) The Eiffel Tower
What do you have to keep in mind about this typical Parisian monument ?
- Its high is about 320m.
- It's located on the Champs de Mars in the 7th arrondissement.
- It was buil in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel for the Universal Exhibition.
- More than 7 000 000 visitors per year.
2) Notre-Dame-de-Paris
3) Basilique du Sacré-Coeur in Montmartre
4) The Louvres Museum
5) The Quai d'Orsay
6) The Opera
7) Invalides
8) Madeleine
9) Arc de Triomphe
10) Bourbon Palace